Fixed Gear Crit

van Eerd and Erath win Waterkant Krit 2017

David van Eerd from the 8Bar team, and Tanja Erath from team Fixedpott proved to be the fasted in the field yesterday during the Waterkant Krit in Hamburg, Germany. In total 19 women and 95 men started the crit on a fast 900 meter course with 1 hairpin 75 meters before the start finish line.

Text & Podium Photos: Brian Megens
Photography: Carlos Fernandez Lazer

In the women’s race it was a group of 6 riders, Tanja Erath, Karla Sommer, Sami Sauri, Juliet Elliot, Tini Dreher, and Johanna Jahnke that lapped the whole field. Tanja attacked with 700 meters to go and no one from the group was able to follow her which meant that she took the win with a solo. Behind her, Jahnke crashed in the last hairpin and it were Karla Sommer and Sami Sauri that took the two remaining podium spots.

In the men’s race the gas was full open from the start with attacks by Eike Haumann, David van Eerd, and Brian Megens. However, it was former UCI Pro-continental rider Timon Seubert who had the first serious break-away on his name. His solo lasted for several laps until Brian Megens attacked form the peloton going to and over Simon. Soon Brian was joined by David van Eerd who bridged the gap from the peloton on his own. For 7 rounds the two worked together very well and managed to build up a very decent gap with the slinking peloton. However, Johannes Killisperger jumped over on his own in just half a lap, and a lap later Jan Lietzke and Timon Seubert came over too. With three laps to go it was clear that the group of 5 would fight for the victory. With 1 lap to go it was Timon Seubert who went full gas forcing the rest to fight hard to come back to his wheel. With 400 meters to go the 5 were back together and it was David van Eerd who positioned himself the best and showed that he was willing to take the most risk by sprinting up to the hairpin. He managed to take the corner with  gap of 15 meters and could then comfortably sprint to the win followed by Jan Lietzke and Johannes Killisperger who took 2nd and 3rd.

Top 5 women
1. Tanja Erath – Fixedpott
2. Karla Sommer -Team Schindelhauer – Gates
3. Sammi Sauri – The Legor Enve Unicorn
4. Juliet Elliot –  ASSOS
5. Tini Dreher – Onewayfixed

Top 5 men
1. David van Eerd – 8Bar
2. Jan Lietzke – Canyon Rad Pack
3. Johannes Killisperger – mess pack berlin
4. Timon Seubert – Suicycle Track Team
5. Brian Megens –