Fixed Gear Crit

Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.11 Turn 3 by Cédric Bonel

“As the sun disappeared behind the urban jungle of Manhattan, the temperature on the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal literally dropped. Strong wind gusts and several sporadic downpours also appeared in the scenario. But none of that could stop the speeding train boosted by the roars of an overly excited crowd.” Cédric Bonel

This time we asked Cédric Bonel to give his view on Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.11. The result is ‘Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.11 Turn 3 by Cédric Bonel’.
Photography & Text: Cedric Bonel AKA Gophrette power

The only concern of the finalists is to choose the best possible line and not be ejected in the barriers that draw the course. A one kilometer loop, much shorter than in previous years, which regroups two very distinct zones. One very fast with two straight lines and a very technical second one with seven corners. A demonstration that the organization works hard by building on past experiences while giving each spectator the impression of having a VIP accreditation. This short loop expedites the elimination of the slower ones and secures the progression of the leading pack that lean in the curves, wheel in wheel with an average of forty-five kilometers per hour. I’ll remind you that the bikes have no brakes and only one speed … in fixed gear.

Like the Milan edition, I placed my two lights in one of the turns of the course, with the totally arbitrary fact that it was also turn number 3. Adding a little plus and not negligible with this disastrous weather, a bus shelter. While the train passed thirty two times in front of me I was able to stash the rest of my gear and clean my lenses. Another rather interesting detail of my exercise is that the few meters of pavement of this curve are quite aesthetic due to the large white lines painted on it.

Here is a series of images that I chose to process for the first time in black and white thus accentuating the dramaturgy of the moment. But also to erase team colors and place all players at the same level of performance. All in the same race, playing with the same risks for one and only reason … riding very fast in the most prestigious fixed gear race in the world, the Red Hook Crit Brooklyn.”