Fixed Gear Crit

Red Hook Criterium photography with Quique Bueno

With Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.11 coming up in less than a week it is the right time to look back on last RHC races through an awesome photo report looking back on races from the past. Everyone that has ever been to, or raced to a, Red Hook Crit knows that is super intense, it is something special, not only for the riders and spectators, but definitely also for the photographers. This time we asked Quique Bueno to present a selection of his photos taken at a Red Hook Criterium.
Photography: Quique Bueno 

“Making a selection is always a difficult task, and it´s even more difficult if we are talking about RHC. I have been shooting at many different RHC since 2014 and is still feeling that magic in each one of them. They have something that hook you, maybe it´s because of the fixed gear, the riders, my friends, or maybe it´s because all the risk involved in each turn of the track and that tension before the start. This is the first year that I will follow the complete RHC series from NYC to Milano. After doing 7 editions in different cities, I still going with the same motivation as the first day. I would love to find a team or a brand who give value to my experience and my
point of view inside this sport. Because I believe that together we can give cycling the image that it deserves. See you all in NYC!“

“Siempre me cuesta elegir mis mejores fotos, pero es mas difícil aun cuando son de un RHC. Llevo desde 2014 cubriendo RedHooks y a día de hoy todavía encuentro esa magia del primer día. Tienen algo que te engancha, quizás sea por
mi relación con el piñón fijo , por los corredores, mis amigos, por en riesgo en cada curva o por la tensión antes de cada salida en la noche, quizás sea por todo eso. Este año voy a realizar la serie completa de RedHooks por primera vez, después de haber hecho 7 ediciones y sigo con la misma ilusión del primer día, me gustaría encontrar un equipo o marca para trabajar que valore mi experiencia y mi punto de vista en este deporte, creo que es muy importante darle al ciclismo la imagen que se merece. Nos vemos en NY.”