Fixed Gear Crit

Photography at the Track – Life at Sixday Rotterdam

Everyone is eager for the fixed gear crit season to kick-off. Although we cannot provide you with photo reports of recent fixed gear crits, we try to keep you entertained by the photography project ‘Life at Sixday Rotterdam’ by Brian Megens. In January, he had full access behind the scenes and documented the Sixday in black and white. Soigneur Cycling Journal just published a selection in their gallery. Our sport might not have a long history, our bikes do.
Photography: Brian Megens

“Almost everyone knows the big history of the Sixdays with the glory days from early 20th century until the 1960s when they were held all over the world and velodromes were filled with crowds. Nowadays, only a hand full of Sixdays are on the calendar, one of them is the Sixday Rotterdam. For me as a photographer it is not so interesting what happens on the velodrome but basically everything that happens around it. The cyclists behind the scenes, how they interact with each other, how the mechanics prepare the bikes, and of course the podium girls and crowds. I wanted to document the beautiful imperfection of the Sixday Rotterdam.”

Don’t forget to check the Soigneur Gallery here to see a photo selection of the photography project complemented with a story by Keir Plaice.