Aldo Ilesic, Eamon Lucas, Clay Murfet, Brandon Feehery, and Carla Nafria form team Crit Life. During Red Hook Crits most of the riders represent team Specialised – Rocket Espresso, except for Carla, but during the rest of the season, both fixed and geared, they represent team Crit Life which is also supplied by Specialized. To make it more confusing, Stefan Schafer and Alec Briggs, riders for Specialized – Rocket Espresso, both have ridden for team Crit Life in American crits in the week prior to RHC BK 10 as guest riders. Besides all the confusion, the team has just released their 2017 team kits and team bike and they will stand out with their colourful designs. Stay tined we have some awesome footage of Aldo Ino Ilesic during RHC BK 10 coming up next week!
Design by: Mckenzie Sampson
Photos: Eamon Lucas & Clay Murfet